Pissed Jeans newsletter - Spring gigs etc.
Including three places we ain't never been to before!
Greetings, friends, family and silent hateful observers of Pissed Jeans! Matt from Pissed Jeans here. I hope that you’ve been well, though I completely understand if you most certainly haven’t been. Figured it was time for a friendly e-mail update blast, just in case you’re also sitting inside developing off-and-on skin rashes from the fifth consecutive month of dried-out radiator heat.
First, wanted to mention that our album Half Divorced just turned one year old! I tend to bristle at how quickly rockers of a certain age (and older, or even worse, younger) rush to celebrate nostalgic anniversaries of their youthful accomplishments, but “one year” seems like a reasonable thing to be pleased with, and digitally remind you of. Been fun as hell playing these songs live over the past year as well. Last year was a busy one for us, and if you came out to a gig, THANK YOU! If you want to help us celebrate, just throw Half Divorced on for its full thirty minutes, or snag a copy on Spotify-colored vinyl over at the Sub Pop Mega Mart, or better yet, tell a friend to check it out. As a society, we put all our eggs in the Internet’s basket, and it failed us miserably, so word of mouth is really all we’ve got left. (Gonna spare you any egg jokes here, either of the “egg-punk” or “high-price” varieties.)
Looking towards the future, we’ve got some swell gigs coming up! First, we’re going back to where it all started, Allentown, PA, on April 12th at some new place called Archer Music Hall, with years-long buddies in their newest band Orphan Donor. Tickets for that are available here!
A few weeks later and we’ll be playing a couple gigs with the hotter-than-hot High Vis and Militarie Gun, one at Warsaw in Brooklyn and then in Baltimore at Ottobar the first weekend in May. The last time we played Warsaw, we opened for Mudhoney, and the last time we played Ottobar, we opened for Black Dice! Simply NO ONE does it like the Pissed Jeans does. I gotta say though, it was way cooler when you didn’t have to buy tickets in advance for hardcore shows and instead just showed up early and hung out on the street outside beforehand, drinking Slurpees and talking shit and bothering pedestrians, so I hope some kids still do that anyway. If you’re lucky, you might be hanging there when we show up, decide to give us your band’s demo and let us sneak you in the back for free.
Then later in May, we’re excited to be heading to some of the more exotic Midwestern terrain, namely Milwaukee (wherein I will drink precisely two Milwaukee Old Fashioneds) and Minneapolis! We’re at the Cactus Club in Milwaukee on Saturday, May 24th with Necron 9 and Sex Scenes. Wish we were there a few weeks earlier for that sick GAG / FISH NARC show, but I’ll just have to ask the locals how that went. Then the next night we’ll be at the glorious Caterwaul Festival in Minneapolis! This thing is like the Glastonbury of noise-rock, and after coyly watching from afar all these years, we’re thrilled to finally play it.
Lastly, we’ll be at Green Man Festival in Wales in late August! Our British associate Stanley tells us this fest is consistently a great time, and we’d be fools to ever doubt him. Pretty cool that we’re playing the same day as Alan Sparhawk (he’s our label-mate, you know), and also, is there really someone or something called “@” playing this? Can you mosh to the band Adult DVD? Don’t tell me, I want to be surprised! Hoping to get a couple other UK dates around this one too… more to come on that front.
That’s all for now, just please remember to smash that follow, drop a comment, pound a like, skeet a thread, leave a positive review for us on Google Bands, use code PISSEDJEANS at Sub Pop to increase the price by 25% (ehehe), whatever, just don’t be a stranger! You agreed to receive this email because, gosh darn it, you believe in Pissed Jeans.